Maunga Tapu
Come home. Remember…Ko au te maunga, ko te maunga ko au ( I am the mountain, the mountain is me). The sacred mountains are the place we are birthed and buried. Remembrance of our place to stand. We are made of Earth.
—— Exploring Hongi (Māori traditional greeting, sharing breath). Suspending this state, embodying the spiritual-energetic exchange when we meet with our mountain and come home to ourselves.
Choreographed by Jade Whaanga in collaboration with performers Humlåo Evans & Emma Quan Dewey. Showcased in New Mexico & Athens

Red As Ritual
Red As Ritual is a ritualistic riot.
Exploring the untamed feminine through explorations of rage, death, rebirth and release.
This is a ritual.
This is a riot.
This is feminine rage.
Open the cage...
Witness as blood, sound and sweat flows into rivers of truth.
Taste sweet liberation through reclamation
Together we honour feminine power. Performed by Alesha Mehta & Jade Whaanga at Kūwao Space
Ubuntu - Kaitiakitanga - Sambandhita - Tūhononga A collaborative intercultural contemporary pop up performance at local parks
Weaving intersectional spaces Alesha Mehta, Chanwyn Southgate, and Jade Whaanga explore threading ancestral wisdom, finding the meeting places between cultures & creative expression. Supported by Taonga Pūoro soundscape designed by Jake Kīanō Skinner.

Dance as Ritual
A collaboration where Jade Whaanga & Alesha Mehta join together in sisterhood;
Celebrating the divine feminine through ancestral rituals of feminine embodiment, connection through dance & deities.
Shakti Puja; Ritual, devotion, and mysticism.
An exploration in search of something more.
To feel grounded & embedded into her identity.
Hineruhi; exploring dance, ritual & ceremony as forms of healing emotional/historical trauma &
re-claiming the indigenous feminine body.

To heal, reclaiming the Indigenous Feminine Body through dance as ritual. Exploring themes of Karakia/prayer,
cleansing, acknowledgement, shifting trauma through movement, sealing, adorning, transforming & celebrating.
Presented in Titirangi, 2018 and scheduled for Dunedin Fringe Festival 2020 before cancellation due to the pandemic.